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Set In Stone: The Life & Death of Medusa

R.C. Berry takes us on an engaging journey into the life of one of Greek Mythology's most intriguing characters.  In Set In Stone: The Life & Death of Medusa, we delve into the past of Medusa, before the curse that branded her a demon to be feared.


Instead, we meet a beautiful young woman, the only mortal of her kind, born between two worlds and never quite fitting into either.  At the tender age of 16, she is invited to Mount Olympus to celebrate the birthday of her most treasured idol, Athena.


Tantalized by the world of the immortals, where all whims and desires are fulfilled, and rivalries are centuries in the making, Medusa is not only accepted, but coveted by more than one deity.


On Olympus, Medusa finds friendship, love and devotion, but she also finds jealousy, wrath and betrayal.  Soon, she falls from her lofty position as a favorite of the gods, to being cursed and hunted.  It is in this wretched state that she finds her greatest strength.


Immerse yourself into the world of the Gods, and follow one woman's pilgrimage through an existence of infamy, where every decision can mean the difference between life and death.  Though, we all know how the story ends...


Or do we?

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