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225 New Fidelity Court, Garner, NC 27529

Welcome to Mount Olympus!


Sit and enjoy the food and drink of the Gods, while the Muses, led by Gaia, regale you with the tragic story of Medusa, a beautiful mortal, raised between two worlds, wanting desperately to find somewhere she belongs.


On Olympus, she finds friendship and love, but also jealousy and betrayal.  Soon, she is cast out, cursed by the one she admired above all else.  As insult meets injury, she is hunted by her enemies and begins to lose all hope, and all humanity.


Thinking death is her only escape, she soon realizes it is a new beginning, and a chance to return and make right the many wrongs she endured.  With much at stake, she must hope that the fates will be kinder this time, as she hopes to regain the life she lost.. or to at least avenge it!

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